Reinvest Your Energy - Mars Rx 2020


If you think 2020 has been a hectic year, be prepared for more to come.  Though, with being equipped on having ample innerstanding of yourself, you can surely conquer your energy from within. Self governance is a pending order for the changes ahead. And in order to do so, discipline is a vital characteristic necessary to win this battle as Mars Retrograde in its home sign of Aries will square Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn which is the same energy from the first half of 2020 that will be re-enrgized. Many tests will be placed in order to overcome the ego that is challenged by the powers that be. To ensure passing these tests, take actions that will benefit the long game to be on the winning team.

This may be challenging if you are not instinctual, not contemplative, not strategic, impulsive, self-centered and impatient. But remember that it is best to win the war and not just the battle. Trust the process no matter how the challenges show up in your life. Recognize the strategy necessary, even if you have to re-strategize in order for you to further reinvest your energy towards long term goals.  With Mars retrograde in Aries making a square Pluto in Capricorn during this transit, that lasts until November 13, expect some sort of death to your identity as you know it will take place. The choice is whether you choose to reenact the will power to do so for the better benefit of your long term plans or be forced to where all plans maybe cut short. This is the time to redirect your energy to a new place that redefines who you are in the new world that is presenting itself in its transformative period.

To have a better innerstanding of how this will occur for you personally, view how Mars Rx in Aries will effect each zodiac sign below. Check your Sun sign for what you’re creating, Moon sign about how you will be feeling, and Ascendent/Rising sign for what you’re currently identifying with.

StayLit, Loves.

A R I E S ♈️ || (1ST HOUSE)

Reinvest in your new found bossed-up identity that requires you to work on your long term goals.

T A U R U S ♉️ || (12TH HOUSE)

Realize, or rather reinvest your energy on what spirt is revealing to you. Surrender to your new identity as your dreams have much to say.

G E M I N I ♊️ || (11TH HOUSE)

Redefine your hopes and dreams to allow a deep transformation to occur. This may include your friends and a larger community. 

C A N C E R ♋️ || (10TH HOUSE)

Redirect your energy towards your career, reputation, and authority to gain long-term partnerships. 

L E O ♌️|| (9TH HOUSE)

Allow letting go of old philosophies you’ve identified with to sustain healthier habits that benefits your future. 

V I R G O ♍️ || (8TH HOUSE)

Allow deep and permanent transformation to re-identify you in order to maintain the joy of material security you desire.  

L I B R A ♎️ || (7TH HOUSE)

Reinvest your energy towards your identification with others to sustain harmony within your personal space.

S C O R P I O ♏️ || (6TH HOUSE)

Redirect how you identify with your daily routines to communicate your inner authority and ambitions.  

S A G I T T A R I U S ♐️ || (5TH HOUSE)

Recognize what truly brings you joy as a method of maintaining what is really valuable to you. 

C A P R I C O R N ♑️ || (4TH HOUSE)

Reinvest your energy in what brings you a sense of emotional security to sustain your inner authority. 

A Q U A R I U S ♒️ || (3RD HOUSE)

Release the battle in your mind and redirect the identify of your inner voice to recognize what your true spirit is telling you. 

P I S C E S ♓️ || (2ND HOUSE)

Reinvest in what is truly valuable to your identity in order to sustain your long term hopes and dreams.