Pisces Full Moon .gif

A full culmination of awareness regarding the unseen has now the opportunity to take shape. Question is, how will you practically apply the the obligations necessary to make your dreams an everyday reality. Perhaps you may discover that matters has been some sort of an illusion. And if so, this full moon in Pisces is giving you the opportunity to expound into new areas, new ways that is beyond your imagination that simultaneously help you start putting practice or simply the work on a daily bases to shape a new lifestyle. Keep in mind that his Full moon in Pisces is making a tight complimentary aspect to Uranus in Taurus, which indicates us to expect the unexpected. New values and an updated lifestyle presents itself to you as the old way of doing things are no longer valuable. Be open to progressing your lifestyle of imagining new dreams that you can begin to practically implement as a routine and move into the innovative phase of your life that no longer sees the old ways as your sense of true freedom.

StayLit, Loves. 




Full moon energy forecast for each zodiac sign. 

A R I E S ♈️ || (12th House)

This full moon climaxes your imagination, spirituality, dreams, illusions, and even addictions. Release what’s old and imagine a new world to put into practice Aries. 

T A U R U S ♉️ || (11th House)

This full moon gives insight on friendships,  hopes and dreams, goals, larger communities, internet, technology and how people view you. Release what others think of you to revolutionize your new goals realized.

G E M I N I ♊️ || (10th House)

The pinnacle of your career, ambitions, status, reputation and relations to fatherhood has been revealed. Let go fo the old ways of the aforementioned to bring change and true independence in these areas Gemini. 

C A N C E R ♋️|| (9th House)

The realization of your philosophy, beliefs, ethics ideals, higher education, and distant travels are seen. Cancer, it is time to identify with what practically works to let go of old philosophies that may hold back an innovative viewpoint. 

L E O ♌️|| (8th House)

This full moon ignites permanent changes, desires, transformation, death, rebirth, sexuality, intimacy, secrets, taxes, insurance and partners assets. Release old habits to realize new methods of change and innovation. 

V I R G O ♍️ || (7th House)

Partnerships, others, Relationships, Personal and Business contracts, and marriages are being reimagined Virgo. So let go of the relationships that does not serve and work on those that frees you instead.  

L I B R A ♎️ || (6th House)

Duties, habits, health, routines, and rituals are up for a full review Libra. Use this full moon in Pisces to release old habits that don’t inspire and innovate your best healthy habits. 

S C O R P I O ♏️ || (5th House)

What you imagined to be fun, entertaining, creative and even in regards to your children is at its heights Leo. It is time to release any illusions to practically change and work on reinventing your creativity.

S A G I T T A R I U S ♐️ || (4th House)

Home, family, motherhood, matriarch, and past memories are being realized. Let go of old ideals of it all, to practically initiate new inspirations.

C A P R I C O R N ♑️ || (3rd House)

Communication, mindset, neighborhood, siblings, and rational mind. Let go of old ideals to liberate your mind,Capricorn. 

A Q U A R I U S ♒️ || (2nd House)

Value, self worth, Law of Attraction, Finances, and Possessions are fully highlighted Aquarius. Let go of self-worth illusions that does not serve to innovate the work of attracting what you truly value. 

P I S C E S ♓️ || (1st House)

Identity, Personality, Physical Characteristics, beginnings, and initiatives are being revealed now Pisces. An old identity realized comes to its end as a new sense of individuality breakthrough . Embrace it.