Communicate New Values | Gemini Lunar Eclipse | ASTRO MEDITATION MANTRA


Are ready to cast out a better spell of manifestations using the magic of your words? Because Gemini is the sign that rules communications, mindsets, speech, and thoughts, this lunar eclipse is culminating the release of out-dated beliefs in order to let in and learn fresh new ideas. This is the time to let go of any miseducation within the mind that does not serve your highest goals in order to adapt the changes of a new mentality. Stay illuminated to what your instinctual mind is communicating to you as change is upon us with Venus in Scorpio opposing Uranus in Taurus. This denotes the necessity to be inquisitive to unexpected relating to your values, love and finances. In this notion, remain worthy to your thoughts and the spells of your words to manifest greater change that leads to valuable progress. Your future self is listening, so be sure to tap into your intuitive mind by practicing this full moon ritual:

Simply meditate the mind for a moment.  Keep your focus within and you close your eyes. Take a few long deep breaths to relax. Next, write all that comes to mind. Separate what you want to release on one side of a paper, then on the other side write all the new ideas you want to create. With what you want to let go, tear that section and destroy it by flushing or burning it. And with your desired list, tape it to the mirror you view daily, and feel free to recite it throughout this moon cycle. With this ritual, stay open and adaptable to what the universe has in store for your manifestation.

Remain alert, yet curious to connect to the inevitable changes you are casting.

StayLit, Loves




Lunar Eclipse Full Moon cycle energy forecast for each zodiac sign. 

A R I E S ♈️

(3rd House)

This lunar eclipse will illuminate a sudden change of mind. So create the opportunity to alter your values.

T A. U R U S ♉️

(2nd House)

This lunar eclipse culminates an end to how you value matters. Whether its your self-worth, relationships and how you communicate with finances-are being highlighted for a change.

G E M I N I ♊️

(1st House)

Change, change change! Your identity, personality, even body is changing based on your self values.

C A N C E R ♋️

(12th House)

Your subconscious mind is being flipped to which your dreams are speaking to you. Stay alert for the signs as the universe is communicating changes coming.

L E O ♌️

(11th House)

Your friendships, goals and wishes are up for an upgrade. What has been communicated is making sense for a change to your future-stay open.

V I R G O ♍️

(10th House) Your career, authority figures, your status or father figure are out-dated. Out with old, to learn a new idea you want represent.

L I B R A ♎️

(9th House)

Philosophy, travel, and ideals will have an unexpected upgrade. Be open to learning new way of life.

S C O R P I O ♏️

(8th House)

A change of mind, illuminates a change of life. This is the start of your transformation so be open to the light of progress.

S A G I T T A R I U S ♐️

(7th House)

New relations, partnerships communicates necessary change you could not see with only another. Be open to connections.

C A P R I C O R. N ♑️

(6th House)

A new job, ritual, or diet culminates progress of what your daily life entails. Embrace and learn a new change of routine.

A Q U A R I U S ♒️

(5th House)

Love, romance, and fun does not come without a little risk. Happy changes in your expression attracts the unexpected. Claim your desire.  

P I S C E S ♓️

(4th House)

Your home values have changed and what you are communicating illuminates this. Expect unexpected changes with family, real estate, and themes regarding foundational security.

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