Being Kind to Yourself Correlates Well To Others - LIBRA FULL MOON ASTRO MEDIATION MANTRA


Have you been feeling the need to release matters that will help your relationships and bring true balance into your life? If so, you are being illuminated by the latest full moon activated by the relatable sign of Libra. Since this is the second Libra full moon in a row, this occurrence is known to be a blue moon which is granting you the rare opportunity to let go what no longer serves you in order to make adjustments to the changes you truly want to welcome. In this notion, relationship matters takes much precedence towards how you relate to yourself, your significant other, your community, your health, family or finances depending on which area or astrological house the sign of Libra is activating your natal chart.

To truly align with this energy in its highest manifestation, consider yourself, first and think of what brings you pleasure to allow harmony to occur for you and others. This is the balancing act Libra brings to you as you relate to another. Refinement and good judgement is necessary in order for you to communicate intelligently what you are creating space for for adapting a fair outcome. Be kind to yourself and to others as this full moon also bring unexpected themes as the Sun in Aries is in a strong alignment to the out-of-the blue planet of Uranus. There is a freeing element to these changes that are made to break you out of old structures and bring some revolutionary enlightenment into your life.

Be considerate of your individuality and of others for progress to take place. This is an ideal time to think outside-of-the-box when making decisions and let go of the need to remain on the fence for peace sakes. Recognize that radical changes are in store and it is considerate for you to release any sense of indecisiveness and insincerity. Instead, liberate yourself from ideals of perfection and superficiality and allow an emotional awakening to occur through these changes. In doing so, you will find that you can quickly heal any wounds regarding your identity as Mercury is in a tight alignment to the wounded-healer asteroid, Chiron that is transiting in the ardent sign of Aries. This denotes now to be a prime time for having those true heart-to-heart conversations that you may have been avoiding with yourself, or with others.

This full moon is giving you the courage to initiate these conversations that are made to heal all kind of relationship issues in order to attract harmonious outcomes. Despite the fact that you may be shocked about the abrupt changes, welcome them with grace. Know that granting kindness to yourself first, through practicing self-care will initiate a new balance of attracting harmonious relationships that is ultimately made to serve your greatest well-being.

StayLit, Loves.

:: L I B R A  ♎️ F U L L  M O O N :: 

“I am balancing my emotional well-being through internal and external corporative workings.

(3 of Coins) 

foster your illumination - full moon ritual gems