I have the determination to create new horizons | Astrology Daily Meditation Mantra

Strong determination is rooted towards creativity and purposeful actions. And with regards to achieving our long-term goals this mindset creates great extraordinary will power. Our thoughts are ignited as Mercury transits action-orientated sign of Aries that loves to act instantly based on each thought. Though the key is to harness control on any impulsive actions which will keep your determined mindset to achieve longevity. As Mercury still retrogrades, it is vital considering many details can get lost in translation. Organize and have command over your thoughts will save you much time to navigate forwards towards your goals like a boss.

As for the Moon in Pisces conjuncts its ruling planet Neptune, our emotions can get the best of us as we try on some rose-colored glasses. Only seeing what it is we want to see, today we may feel better to be in the dream-world rather than reality. This ideal emotions isn’t all bade as it bodes well with meditation since you can tap into your higher-consciousness which ignites your intuition.

As for love and what we value, Venus is making some tough aspects to Saturn and Chiron indicating what have attracting has sobering-reality that can actually be profoundly healing. Sometimes, life-lessons learned are best understood when matters don’t go as exactly as planned. This harsh reality invites us to get in formation and back on track- if we have been misusing our attractive qualities in matters of our coins, love, and beauty. Chiron though, acts as a healer to the wound we have created. And even thought we are left with a scar, we are always reminded of the strength to heal and move ahead. Remember all injuries marks our battle scars that shows our determined factor that pushes us forward. Continue to remain progressive and creative to blaze your trails that our mark has left into new horizons. You got this. 

StayLit, Loves.

(The Empower-Ace of Wands) Sun Conjunct Mercury + Moon Conjunct Neptune Mercury + Venus Sq Saturn + Venus Conjunct Chiron 

Daily Astro-Meditative Mantra

“I have the determination to create new horizons.”

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