Illuminating Your Truths | Gemini Full Moon Spa - Ritual

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It’s that time again, and with the Full Moon in Gemini I suggest the best communication is to make high vibrational commitments to yourself. Self-care is always important and taking the time for ourselves is essentially vital to your overall health. Though this Full Moon in Gemini is prone to affect your mental energy in ways that can be quite deceptive through communications. It is best to use your intuition and practice discernment at this time. To sharpen these skills try implementing a self-care ritual that includes meditating. When you take the time to tap into your inner wealth of knowledge and information, your intuition grows through this practice. In doing this, you will be more attuned with your internal truths, where nothing can mislead you when you’re in harmony with yourself. Here is a ritual I encourage you to do sometime this weekend and towards the beginning of next week to keep your internal light lit:

  • 🛁First, draw yourself a bath
  • 💨Second, Cleanse your space with some aromatic Sage sticks, 
  • ✨Third, add your favorite Herbal Salt Bath (swipe right for all selections) 
  • 🙆🏽And lastly, relax into meditation mode as you listen to the Meditative Soul Guided Meditation

This spa-ritual especially works in tandem with the Full Moon in Gemini because of the planet Neptune’s involvement. As its aspect, exposes its shadow side, making a square to the Sun in Sagittarius and to the moon; it will have the tendency to dissolve the truth and expand some dogmatic beliefs collectively and personally. It is why I encourage this ritual to strengthen your internal truth and to commit to the belief of taking care of yourself first. Also, examine how you are communicating to yourself. What are your beliefs about yourself? Are they self-limiting or self exaggerating? Essentially, this is the time to get to the truth about your beliefs to which the full moon will illuminate.

Though, be mindful that there will be a lot of miscommunication as the ruling planet of Gemini, Mercury, will begin its retrograde. At this point, you won’t know who or what to believe so your best is to believe in yourself. In this instance, the remedy would be to re- everything.This means to simply, relax, release, reexamine, reassess, repair, repeat, retry, rearrange, reassign, retract, reform, recreate, reinstate, etc- the list goes on, so you get the point. It is a time to be truly aware of what is being communicated collectively and what you communicate to yourself in order to decipher the truth of the matter. This instance may not come as easy because matters of communicating will tend to be quite confusing. It why I encourage that you make the high vibrational commitment to yourself and create your very own sanctuary so that everyone can simply just miss you with the bullshit. Sorry for the vulgarity but its Sagittarius season and the raw truth and blunt worthy speech will be the norm. So to keep your light lit from within continue practicing high vibrational techniques like meditation and meditative baths to raise your vibration above it all.

StayLit, Loves.  

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foster your illuminations